Wills & Estates

Plan ahead to protect and provide for those you love.
- Estate Administration
- Estate Dispute Resolution
- Guardianship & Trusteeship
- Probate
Wills let you decide who manages your estate and who inherits your assets on your death. Our lawyers will help you prepare your will, set up testamentary trusts, review your existing will, update or change a current will with a codicil, or answer any questions about wills or holographic wills.
Power of Attorneys
Ask our lawyers about the different types of Power of Attorneys. These include enduring, general, specific and durable. We will also help you pick which Power of Attorney will work best for you.
Personal Directives
A personal directive allows someone to make decisions about your health and well being if you lose mental capacity. This involves deciding everything from what treatment or medicine you will or will not receive to where you will live. If you lose capacity without a personal directive, someone may need to make an application to the court for guardianship.
In Alberta, when a person with real property or assets dies with a will, the Estate must apply for a Grant of Probate to establish the validity of the will. When probating an estate, our lawyers will assist in all aspects of this complex and emotional time.
Letters of Administration (Intestate)
Like probate, letters of administration or grant of administration determines who administers an estate and who inherits the estate when there is no will.
Estate Litigation Lawyers
Our lawyers deal with situations where people are disputing a will or in a disinheritance. This includes if you think there has been undue influence in the process of making a will. We can act for the person disputing the will or defend the estate if it is challenged. In this regard we act for beneficiaries, executors and administrators.

Over the course of his forty-year career, Brian, was able to practice with many skilled professionals, including Thomas F. Glenn, and Gerard C. Hawco Q.C. , who was later appointed to serve as a Justice the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench.
Since his retirement, Brian’s son, Stephen B Nelson, has taken over the firm bringing it into higher and new heights, being recognized as one of Calgary’s leading law firms for personal injury claims.
Nelson & Nelson has continued to carry on the strong values set by Seth H. Nelson, expanding their services to multiple areas, such as family, corporate litigation, criminal, wills, and estate law.
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- (403) 289-2525
- (403) 289-2557
2120 Kensington Rd NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3R7 - general@nelsonlegal.ca
- Monday - Friday
- 9am - 5pm